We have partnered with local store Outdoor Gear Exchange for any necessary travel gears. Make sure to mention that you are buying the gear for a Nepal trip with US Sherpa International to get 10% discount on your purchase. This gear list has been created to help you choose the proper equipment. Try to bring only what is necessary; this will help you and our staff. Domestic Flight Weight Limit in Nepal-maximum 30 lbs. Any gear that you do not want to bring with you in the trek can be left securely at the lodging site in Kathmandu.
T-Shirts - 2 to 4 shirts, at least 1 short, and 1 long sleeve
Shorts - 1 to 2 pairs
Long Underwear (top & bottom) - 1 pair, made of synthetic material (no cotton blends)
Pajama Pants (comfy pants) - 1 to 2 pairs, for around the camp, or when you are resting
Underwear - 5 pairs, synthetic (no cotton blends)
Bra/Sports bra - 2 pairs, synthetic (no cotton blends)
Fleece Pullover & Pants - 1 pair, Polartec or Powerstretch tights and top
Jacket - 1 warm down fleece jacket and 1 lighter jacket for layering or daytime
Hiking Pants - 2 pairs, zip-off or other hiking pants, no jeans
Goretex/Waterproof Rain Parka & Pants - This is considered the outer layer (rain gear). The parka should be waterproof with hood, and pit zips. The pants will go over fleece pants or long underwear, and must be waterproof (side-zip style is optional) or Goretex Outer Layer(hard shell)
Gloves - 1 pair of liners/light gloves
Hats - During the day you’ll need a 1 sun hat with a brim to protect your face from intense sun, and at night a fleece, or wool hat for warmth.
Sunglasses with strap - 1 pair of good sunglasses, or glacier glasses
Headlamp - 1 / Bring extra batteries (lithium batteries recommended). Headlamp must be bright enough to see at night or incase of emergency. Small flash light is also useful.
Hiking Boots - 1 pair of medium weight hiking boots, well broken in and waterproofed and proven not to give your feet any blisters. Don’t bring old worn out boots that don’t have good soles, or broken shoelaces.
Camp Footwear - 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of sandals, or flip flop, or crocs
Socks - 5 pairs of socks made of synthetic materials or wool blend. Next to the skin, some people like thin polyester or polypropylene socks to transport perspiration from the foot to the outer socks.
Personal Equipment
Sleeping Bag – Down bag with hood rated to 0 degrees F or less. If you don’t already own a sleeping bag we suggest purchasing a down bag because of weight.
Fanny Pack /Money belt-this should be very useful to carry your important belonging around your waist
Water Bottles - 2 bottles: We prefer wide mouth 32 oz. Nalgene brand. Camelback type hydration system, only for hikes, not on mountain, the water tube can freeze sometime at night.
Medicine/Tablets: water treatment tablets or drops, ibuprofen or Tylenol for headache and other minor pain like cough, sore throat, vomit and zantac, tums for upset or acidic stomach and diarehea tablets
Energy/Cliff bars, Candy(chocolates), Energy Gel/Gu and Trail Mix-these are for personal use(snack food) and they stay in your pack during hike so put somewhere it is easily accessible
Bandana - 2 / since there isn’t a lot of toilet paper to go around we can use your Bandanna to blow your nose. Also is good to hear as a neck over for sunburn, and over mouth for dust.
Sunscreen & Lip Protection - 1 tube of sunscreen and 2 chapsticks, both SPF 30 and not older than 6 months/You should carry these with you during the day.
Camp Towel - 1, medium to small size quick dry towel/This will be for drying after wash or showering during trek
Hydration Mix - Purchase something like Gatorade or other powder drink mix to put into your drinking water while on trek.
Toiletries - Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, dental floss, lotion, fingernail clippers(optional), etc. Women must remember to bring sanitary napkins or tampons. Your toiletries should all fit into a small kit. Don’t bring large bottles of shampoo or other items, you can purchase small size bottle specifically for travel use. If you’re traveling on this trip with a friend, it is then possible to share things like toothpaste and sunscreen.
Toilet Paper – You can buy this in Katmandu. Hotels will have toilet paper, but during the trek it’s nice to have a couple of soft rolls. (Keep in zip-lock bag)
Ear Plugs - 2 pair / Good for blocking out barking dogs or a snoring tent mate!
Trekking Poles - One pair telescopic poles with baskets at the bottom
Waterless Hand Cleaner/Sanitizer - optional
Camera - If you’re thinking of purchasing a new camera, try to buy one that takes double A over the counter batteries, not rechargeable ones (during trek you can charge batteries in Namche, but it will cost you).
Books, Walkman/Ipod, Journal, Cards, - On all treks there will be time to read, listen to music, and reflect on your day. Because of weight allowances make sure whatever you bring is lightweight and won’t break
Luggage & Backpacks
One Large Cargo/Duffel Bag w/TSA approved lock – one large 6000 cubic inch bag. All your gear should fit inside this bag. Make sure your bag has no holes or broken zippers.
One Carry on Bag-to put your important belongings during flight and when you walk around the city
One Day Pack w/rain cover - Your daypack should have some type of internal support to help carry the weight, Medium to small size back pack: just enough to put your essential gears during trek, all the other trekking gears will be carried by porters in their packs. Backpack should have places to strap on your trekking poles and for your water bottles. Your pack must fit you correctly and feel comfortable with a weight of 10 - 15 pounds. We suggest you go for a hike with some weight inside your pack to make sure it fits properly.(Optional) Compression stuff sacks - These help to maximize space one for hiking clothing, technical clothing and socks and underwear. In addition, this protects your clothing from getting that popped bottle of shampoo all over everything.
Other Things To Consider
Battery charging station - for cameras or personal electronics Plug adapter - from Nepal - 2 round peg to US - 2 flat peg Voltage converter - from Nepal 220 to US 110Altimeter Please remember to always pack essential items such as your passport, money, eyewear, a change of clothing, and medications in your carry-on baggage, in case your luggage is delayed.
Culturally sensitive dressing tips: Women - pants or a skirt with tights underneath are fine. Tights, shorts and sports tops are not advised unless worn under other clothing.
Men - pants are best, or wear knee-length hiking shorts. Men should never go shirtless.
You may want to consider using an extra large duffel so that you have space to carry home all the great gifts and souvenirs you may be purchasing. Be sure to with your airline's baggage size and weight restrictions. Additional charges may apply if you exceed their limits. Cotton is wonderful in warm weather. However, once it becomes wet, it will drain your body heat. Bring wool or synthetics. If you like to use a hydration system while hiking, please note that you will need to also bring at least one 1-quart water bottle. Our method of water treatment involves boiling, and hydration systems may not hold up well when water is heated to high temperatures. A water bottle will give you a place to cool very hot water before it is safe to add to your hydration system's bladder. If you do not bring with you the medications that you wish to have on hand and decide to purchase medications over the counter in Kathmandu or elsewhere in Nepal, you cannot be guaranteed that the medication you are purchasing is authentic. Please consult with your travel doctor about any and all medications you may wish to have on hand and bring those medications with you to Nepal. You may find that you will not use every piece of clothing that is on this gear list. However, the list has been created to provide for the full range of weather conditions that you MAY encounter during your trek. Should the weather be unseasonably cold or wet, you will appreciate having this gear. Always test your layers before a trip. Your outer layer should fit easily over the inside ones without binding or bunching up. Make sure boots are broken-in. Bring moleskin for foot treatment. Thin liner socks worn under regular hiking socks may minimize the risk of blisters. The liner sock should be synthetic, not cotton. Test your sock combination before you go on the trip. Travel clothes, extra gear, and purchases will be left in a storage room at our Kathmandu hotel or office. Please bring a small bag, luggage tag, and a lock for this purpose. It may be difficult to obtain feminine health supplies while in Nepal. Women are advised to bring these items from home. Gifts: Trekkers are always amazed at the helpfulness of our support staff and the hospitality of the Nepalese families met along the way. Clothing or gear recently used on your trek make great gifts. Please don't bring extra gifts, as these are a burden to you and the staff while trekking.
T-Shirts - 2 to 4 shirts, at least 1 short, and 1 long sleeve
Shorts - 1 to 2 pairs
Long Underwear (top & bottom) - 1 pair, made of synthetic material (no cotton blends)
Pajama Pants (comfy pants) - 1 to 2 pairs, for around the camp, or when you are resting
Underwear - 5 pairs, synthetic (no cotton blends)
Bra/Sports bra - 2 pairs, synthetic (no cotton blends)
Fleece Pullover & Pants - 1 pair, Polartec or Powerstretch tights and top
Jacket - 1 warm down fleece jacket and 1 lighter jacket for layering or daytime
Hiking Pants - 2 pairs, zip-off or other hiking pants, no jeans
Goretex/Waterproof Rain Parka & Pants - This is considered the outer layer (rain gear). The parka should be waterproof with hood, and pit zips. The pants will go over fleece pants or long underwear, and must be waterproof (side-zip style is optional) or Goretex Outer Layer(hard shell)
Gloves - 1 pair of liners/light gloves
Hats - During the day you’ll need a 1 sun hat with a brim to protect your face from intense sun, and at night a fleece, or wool hat for warmth.
Sunglasses with strap - 1 pair of good sunglasses, or glacier glasses
Headlamp - 1 / Bring extra batteries (lithium batteries recommended). Headlamp must be bright enough to see at night or incase of emergency. Small flash light is also useful.
Hiking Boots - 1 pair of medium weight hiking boots, well broken in and waterproofed and proven not to give your feet any blisters. Don’t bring old worn out boots that don’t have good soles, or broken shoelaces.
Camp Footwear - 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of sandals, or flip flop, or crocs
Socks - 5 pairs of socks made of synthetic materials or wool blend. Next to the skin, some people like thin polyester or polypropylene socks to transport perspiration from the foot to the outer socks.
Personal Equipment
Sleeping Bag – Down bag with hood rated to 0 degrees F or less. If you don’t already own a sleeping bag we suggest purchasing a down bag because of weight.
Fanny Pack /Money belt-this should be very useful to carry your important belonging around your waist
Water Bottles - 2 bottles: We prefer wide mouth 32 oz. Nalgene brand. Camelback type hydration system, only for hikes, not on mountain, the water tube can freeze sometime at night.
Medicine/Tablets: water treatment tablets or drops, ibuprofen or Tylenol for headache and other minor pain like cough, sore throat, vomit and zantac, tums for upset or acidic stomach and diarehea tablets
Energy/Cliff bars, Candy(chocolates), Energy Gel/Gu and Trail Mix-these are for personal use(snack food) and they stay in your pack during hike so put somewhere it is easily accessible
Bandana - 2 / since there isn’t a lot of toilet paper to go around we can use your Bandanna to blow your nose. Also is good to hear as a neck over for sunburn, and over mouth for dust.
Sunscreen & Lip Protection - 1 tube of sunscreen and 2 chapsticks, both SPF 30 and not older than 6 months/You should carry these with you during the day.
Camp Towel - 1, medium to small size quick dry towel/This will be for drying after wash or showering during trek
Hydration Mix - Purchase something like Gatorade or other powder drink mix to put into your drinking water while on trek.
Toiletries - Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, dental floss, lotion, fingernail clippers(optional), etc. Women must remember to bring sanitary napkins or tampons. Your toiletries should all fit into a small kit. Don’t bring large bottles of shampoo or other items, you can purchase small size bottle specifically for travel use. If you’re traveling on this trip with a friend, it is then possible to share things like toothpaste and sunscreen.
Toilet Paper – You can buy this in Katmandu. Hotels will have toilet paper, but during the trek it’s nice to have a couple of soft rolls. (Keep in zip-lock bag)
Ear Plugs - 2 pair / Good for blocking out barking dogs or a snoring tent mate!
Trekking Poles - One pair telescopic poles with baskets at the bottom
Waterless Hand Cleaner/Sanitizer - optional
Camera - If you’re thinking of purchasing a new camera, try to buy one that takes double A over the counter batteries, not rechargeable ones (during trek you can charge batteries in Namche, but it will cost you).
Books, Walkman/Ipod, Journal, Cards, - On all treks there will be time to read, listen to music, and reflect on your day. Because of weight allowances make sure whatever you bring is lightweight and won’t break
Luggage & Backpacks
One Large Cargo/Duffel Bag w/TSA approved lock – one large 6000 cubic inch bag. All your gear should fit inside this bag. Make sure your bag has no holes or broken zippers.
One Carry on Bag-to put your important belongings during flight and when you walk around the city
One Day Pack w/rain cover - Your daypack should have some type of internal support to help carry the weight, Medium to small size back pack: just enough to put your essential gears during trek, all the other trekking gears will be carried by porters in their packs. Backpack should have places to strap on your trekking poles and for your water bottles. Your pack must fit you correctly and feel comfortable with a weight of 10 - 15 pounds. We suggest you go for a hike with some weight inside your pack to make sure it fits properly.(Optional) Compression stuff sacks - These help to maximize space one for hiking clothing, technical clothing and socks and underwear. In addition, this protects your clothing from getting that popped bottle of shampoo all over everything.
Other Things To Consider
Battery charging station - for cameras or personal electronics Plug adapter - from Nepal - 2 round peg to US - 2 flat peg Voltage converter - from Nepal 220 to US 110Altimeter Please remember to always pack essential items such as your passport, money, eyewear, a change of clothing, and medications in your carry-on baggage, in case your luggage is delayed.
Culturally sensitive dressing tips: Women - pants or a skirt with tights underneath are fine. Tights, shorts and sports tops are not advised unless worn under other clothing.
Men - pants are best, or wear knee-length hiking shorts. Men should never go shirtless.
You may want to consider using an extra large duffel so that you have space to carry home all the great gifts and souvenirs you may be purchasing. Be sure to with your airline's baggage size and weight restrictions. Additional charges may apply if you exceed their limits. Cotton is wonderful in warm weather. However, once it becomes wet, it will drain your body heat. Bring wool or synthetics. If you like to use a hydration system while hiking, please note that you will need to also bring at least one 1-quart water bottle. Our method of water treatment involves boiling, and hydration systems may not hold up well when water is heated to high temperatures. A water bottle will give you a place to cool very hot water before it is safe to add to your hydration system's bladder. If you do not bring with you the medications that you wish to have on hand and decide to purchase medications over the counter in Kathmandu or elsewhere in Nepal, you cannot be guaranteed that the medication you are purchasing is authentic. Please consult with your travel doctor about any and all medications you may wish to have on hand and bring those medications with you to Nepal. You may find that you will not use every piece of clothing that is on this gear list. However, the list has been created to provide for the full range of weather conditions that you MAY encounter during your trek. Should the weather be unseasonably cold or wet, you will appreciate having this gear. Always test your layers before a trip. Your outer layer should fit easily over the inside ones without binding or bunching up. Make sure boots are broken-in. Bring moleskin for foot treatment. Thin liner socks worn under regular hiking socks may minimize the risk of blisters. The liner sock should be synthetic, not cotton. Test your sock combination before you go on the trip. Travel clothes, extra gear, and purchases will be left in a storage room at our Kathmandu hotel or office. Please bring a small bag, luggage tag, and a lock for this purpose. It may be difficult to obtain feminine health supplies while in Nepal. Women are advised to bring these items from home. Gifts: Trekkers are always amazed at the helpfulness of our support staff and the hospitality of the Nepalese families met along the way. Clothing or gear recently used on your trek make great gifts. Please don't bring extra gifts, as these are a burden to you and the staff while trekking.